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Writer's pictureMarisa Perry

Textbook Tours, Coffee shops, and New Beginnings

On our walk to the Vatican (lots of little back roads that look like this!)

Hello, again! So I'm starting to get confused with what "day" I did things, so I'm going to start writing the dates. Things have been going...OK. As expected I guess. If you know me at all, even the slightest bit, you know that being this far from home is VERY unlike me, and very bold. Out of my league, I'd say. I've always admired people who could do it, because really, it isn't fun being on a 7 hour time change, missing out of family events, and being across the ocean from everyone you love. Being in a world of unknowns is scary, but I know I will, and already have, learned so much about myself and others. So..ENOUGH of the sappy talk. Let's get to the fun stuff!

September 1:

I finally got to sleep in after a long 3 days of orientation. My feet really needed a rest. I swore I had stress fractures from walking over 30 miles in just 2 days (no wonder the locals are so skinny!). I got to get lunch/dinner with a friend from home who is also going to school here. It was really nice having a familiar face, and being with someone who actually knows me. After, I decided I would "get lost" a little bit. I put my phone down, and just walked and took it all in. Took some pictures, but mostly just observed. I walked across a bridge to the hospital that is isolated on an island that is symbolic for how it used to be during the Roman empire. It was used as a place of "healing", and there is a new hospital on it today. I walked around the Trastevere neighborhood, which is where I live. I picked a coffee shop, and had my first cappuccino. I think the barista could either tell that I was 1. a tourist, or 2. lonely, because he brought me over a cookie. Later that night, I hung out with some of my roommates, and called it a day.

First cappuccino! and cookie

September 2: Initially, I had planned to do nothing, but that would be a waste of a day. I woke up pretty late, and some of my roommates were planning on walking around Rome to take advantage of the free tours on Sundays. So, I went with. We walked to Castle Sant'Angelo, which used to be a mausoleum for the Roman Emperor, but then was converted into a castle to take safety in by the popes in the 14th century. Pretty cool but the line was outrageous so we left and went to the Vatican instead! None of us were properly dressed to go inside of the basilica (poor planning, I know), but it was still beautiful getting to admire it from the outside. We found a McDonalds right next door, which was super fancy, but the service was just as bad as it is in the States lol. All I had was a grilled chicken wrap so I can't do a Yelp food rating just yet. We then walked across town to the Spanish steps, and went in some pretty "boujee" stores. We went to the Trevi fountain, which was larger than life, and I threw a Euro into the fountain. Also, 10/10 recommend the pineapple by the fountain. Not the gelato, just the pineapple :-) After, we walked home, I cooked dinner, and called it a night.

The Vatican


Just tryin to find Mickey D's, ya kno

The steps

Looking down from the steps. Lots of rooftop bars which will most likely be visited at a later date

The Trevi Fountain

Homemade food

September 3:

First day of Senior year... haha... well... the day didn't start as planned (sorry mom). So I had a really rough night sleeping. Like really rough. Woke up probably 80 times and at 5 am I was convinced I was up for good. Alarm was set for 7:20. No way I'd fall asleep again. WELL plot twist here. I DID fall back asleep, and I DIDN'T hear my alarm go off. So I conveniently woke up AT 8:30 on the dot... Guess what time my class was at... 8:30. Haha what a way to start my LAST first day of school #amirite? No. It was terrible. But, I went for a run, had some oatmeal, took a killer nap, and got ready for class. Class was good, nothing too eventful. Although, I did have a really good iced latte. Shoutout to the Italians for showing me real coffee.

In the process of booking so trips to get away for a weekend, but that's about it!

Also, now accepting visitors so plz come visit!!

Much love,


First day of school pic!

#Views from my schools rooftop lounge! Had lots of time to waste between my apparently non-existent 8:30 class and 3pm class

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